Istituto Rudy Lanza - Alta formazione in Naturopatia

Istituto Rudy Lanza - Catalogo bibliografico delle tesi

Gli abstracts delle tesi in Naturopatia elaborate presso l'Istituto Rudy Lanza

Dolore e disfunzione miofasciale nelle donne affette da endometriosi con dolore pelvico cronico. Trattamenti alternativi associati per migliorare la qualità di vita

Ferraresi Maura


Questa tesi intende esplorare la complessità della patologia endometriosica, da un punto di vita clinico con particolare attenzione al trattamento di medicina alternativa e al ruolo del professionista nel trattamento manuale.

L’endometriosi è una malattia cronica e invalidante, originata dalla disseminazione e dalla crescita di tessuto endometriale o dall’insorgenza del tessuto endometriale in sedi anomale (ovaie, tube, vescica, intestino, legamenti uterini, setto retto-vaginale), per un processo di metaplasia al di fuori della sede abituale. In Italia ne sono affette circa 3 milioni di donne.

Iniziando dalla definizione della malattia ho cercato di approfondirne gli aspetti, partendo dalla difficoltà nella classificazione, alla ricerca di una causa ancora poco conosciuta, la frequenza e le condizioni che favoriscono od ostacolano il suo sviluppo, i sintomi che la contraddistinguono da altre patologie con problemi che spesso si confondono con essa, la diagnosi e la cura farmacologica o chirurgica.

Mi sono soffermata in particolare, sull’aspetto naturopatico e sulla terapia manuale che possono affiancare la terapia farmacologia e sostenere la donna nel suo percorso, analizzando e studiando l’aspetto fitoterapico di alcune piante, l’alimentazione e gli integratori, alcune terapie manuali ed esercizi fisici.

La malattia e la sintomatologia dolorosa che ne consegue, hanno caratteristiche invalidanti e condizionano pesantemente la vita delle donne, nello studio, nel lavoro, nelle relazioni sociali e di coppia, compromettendone la possibilità di una futura gravidanza. L’associazione APE (Associazione Progetto Endometriosi) si sta impegnando al fine di favorire la conoscenza della patologia in modo da poter permettere una diagnosi precoce riducendo le complicanze ad essa correlate, sia strettamente mediche che sociali come le sofferenze e l’impossibilità di una progettualità futura.



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  • Ammon HP. Boswellic Acids and Their Role in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016; 928:291-327.
  • Ammon HP. Modulation of the immune system by Boswellia serrata extracts and boswellic acids. Pytomedicine. 2010 Sep; 17(11):862-7
  • Anderson AM Skakkebaek NE. Exoposure to exogenous estrogens in food: possible impact on human development and health. Eur J Endocrinol.1999; 140: 477-485.
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  • Aredo JV. Heyrana KJ. Karp B. Shah JP. Stratton P. Relating chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis it signs of sensitization and myofascial pain and dysfunc-tion. Semin Reprod Med. 2017 Jan; 35(1):88-97
  • Augoulea A. Alexandrou A. Creatsa M. Vrachnis N. Lambrinoudaki I. Pato-genesis of enometriosis: the role of genetics, inflammation and oxidative stress. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2012; 286:99-103.
  • Award E. Ahmed A. Yousef A. Abbas R. Efficacy of exercise on pelvic pain and posture associated with endometriosis: within subject design. J Phys Ther Sci. 2017 Dec; 29 (12):2112-2115.
  • Basnet P: Skalko- Basnet N. Curcumin: an anti-inflammatory molecule from a curry spice on the path to cancer treatment. Molecules, 2011 Jun3; 16(6):4567-98
  • Bellellis P. Podgaec S. Abrao MS. Environmental factors and endometriosis. Rev Assoc. Med Bras. Vol.57 no.4. Sao Paulo July/Aug. 2001.
  • Bergstrom I. Freyschuss B. Jacobsson H. Landgren BM. The effect of physical training on bone mineral density in women with endometriosis treated with GnRH analogs: a pilot study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2005 Apr; 84(4): 380-3.
  • Bonocher CM. Montenegro ML. Rosa e Silvia JC. Ferriani R A. Meola J. En-dometriosis and physical exercises: a systematic review. Reprod Biol Endo-crinol. 2014; 12:4.
  • Brinkman MT. Baglietto L. Krishnam K. Consumption of animal products their nutrient components and postmenopausal circulating steroid hormone concen-tration. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010; 64: 176-183
  • Buck Louis GM. Chen Z. Hediger ML. Croughan MS. Sundaram R. Stanford JB. Varner MW. Fujimoto VY. Giudice LC. Trumble A. Parsons PJ. Kannan K. Persistent Lipophilic Environmental Chemicals and Endometriosis: The ENDO Study.Environ Helth Perspect. 2012 Jun; 120(6):811-816.
  • Bulletti C. Coccia ME. Battistoni S. Borini A. Endometriosis and infertility. J Assist Report Genet. 2010 Aug; 27(8):411-447
  • Burri BJ. Beta-cryptoxanthin as a source of vitamin A. J Sci Food Agric. 2015 Jul; 95(9):1786-94.
  • Carpenter SE. Tjaden B. Rock JA. Kimball A. The effect of regular exercise on women receiving danazol for treatment of endometriosis. Int J Gynaecol Ob-stet.1995 Jun; 49(3): 299-304.
  • Carter JE. Combined hysteroscopic and laparoscopic findings in patients with chronic pelvic pain. Jam Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 1994:2:43-47
  • Casper RF. Progestin- only pills may be a better first-line treatment for endome-triosis that combined estrogen-progestin contraceptive pills. Fertil Steril 2017 Mar; 107(3):533-536
  • Davey AK. Maher PJ. Surgical adhesions: a timely update, a great challenge for the future. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2007 Jan-Feb; 14(1):15-22.
  • Dhillon PK. Holt VL. Recreational physical activity and endometrioma risk. Am J Epidemiol. 2003 Jul;158(2): 156-64.
  • Dommerholt J. Dry needling-peripheral and central considerations. J Man Manip Ther.2011 Nov: 223.227
  • Farlow DW. Xu X. Veenstra TD. Comparison of estrone and 17beta-estradiol in commercial goat and cow milk. J Dairy Sci. 2012 Apr; 95(4):1699-704.
  • Febbraio MA. Pedersern BK. Contraction-induced myokine production and re-lease: is skeletal muscle endocrine organ? Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2005 Jul; 33(3):114-9.
  • Gaubeca-Gilarranz A. Fernandez De Las Penas CF. Medina- Torres JR. Seoane-ruiz JM.Company-Palones A. Cleland JA. Arias-Buria JL. Effectiveness of dry needling of rectus abdominis trigger points for the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea: a randomized parallel-group trial. Acupunct Med.2018 May.011566.
  • Goncalves AV. Barros NF. Bahamondes L. The practice of Hatha Yoga for the treatment of pain associated with endometriosis. J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Jan; 23(1): 45-52.
  • Goncalves AV. Makuch MY. Setubal MS. Barros NF. Bahamondes L. Qualita-tive study on the practice of yoga for women with pain-associated endometriosis. J Altern Complement Med. 2016 Dec; 22(12): 977.982.
  • Gupta SC. Patchva S. Aggarwal BB. Therapeutic Roles of Curcumin: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials. AAPS J. 2013 Jan; 15(1): 195-218.
  • Han SH. Hur MH. Buckle J. Choi J. Lee MS. Effect of aromatherapy on symp-toms of dysmenorrhea in college students: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Jun Aug; 12(6):535-41.
  • Haolin G. Gut microbiota and inflammation. Nutrients. 2011 Jun;3(6):637-82.
  • Harris HR. Chavarro JE. Malspeis S. Willett WC, Missmer SA. Dairy-food, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D intake and endometriosis: a prospective co-hort study. Am J Epidemiol. 2013 Mar 1; 177(5):420-30
  • Harris HR. Eke AC. Chavarro JE. Missmer SA. Fruit and vegetable consump-tion and risk of endometriosis. Hum Report. 2018 Apr 1; 33(4): 715-727.
  • Hewlings SJ. Kalman DS. Curcumin: A review of Its' Effects on Human Health. Foods. 2017 Oct; 6(10):92.
  • Hur MH. Lee MS. Seong KY. Lee MK Aromatherapy massage on the abdo-men for alleviating menstrual pain in high school girls: a preliminary controlled clinical study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012; 2012:187163.
  • Itoh H. Uchida M. Sashihara T. Ji Z. Li J. Tang Q. Ni S. Song L. Kaminogawa S. Lactobacillus gasseri OLL2809 is effective especially on the menstrual pain and dysmenorrhea in endometriosis patients: randomize, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Cytotechnology. 2011 Mar; 63(2): 153-161
  • Khanaki K. Nouri M. Ardekani AM. Ghassemzadeh A. Shahnazi. Sadeghi MR. Darabi M. Mehdizadeh A. Dolatkhah H. Saremi A. Imani AR. Rahimipour A. Evalutation of the Relationship between Endometriosis and Omega3 and Ome-ga6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. Iran Biomed J. 2012 Jan; 16(1):38-43.
  • Khazali S. Endometriosis Classification-the Quest for the Holy Grail. J Reprod Infertil. 2016 Apr-Jun; 17(2):67.
  • Knapp VJ. How old is endometriosis? Late 17th and 18th-century European de-scriptions of the disease. Fertil Steril. 1999 jul; 72(1):10-4.
  • Králíčková M. Vetvicka V. Immunological aspects of endometriosis: a review Ann Transl Med 2015 Jul; 3(11):153.
  • Lasco A. Catalano A. Benvenga S. Improvement of primary dysmenorrhea caused by single oral dose of vitamin D: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Arch. Intern Med. 2012 Feb 27;172(4):366-7.
  • Lee SR. Yi KW. Song JY. Seo SK. Lee DY. Cho S. Kim SH. Efficacy and Safety of long-term Use of Dienogest in Woman with Ovarian Endometrioma. Reprod Sci. 2018 Mar; 25 (3):341-346.
  • Luis S. Pizzo A. Pinzauti S. Zupi E. Centini G. Lazzeri L. Di Carlo C. Petraglia F. Neuroendocrine and stress-related aspects of endometriosis. Neuro Endo-crinol Lett. 2015; 36(1):15-23.
  • Luu TH. Uy-Kroh MJ. New Developments in Surgery for Endometriosis and Pelvik Pain. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Jun; 60(2):245-251
  • Markowiak P. Slizewska K. Effects of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics on human health. Nutrients. “017 Sp; 9(9):1021
  • Marziali M. Venza M. Lazzaro S. Micossi C. Stolfi VM. Gluten-free diet: a new strategy for management of painful endometriosis related symptoms? Minerva Chir. 2012 Dec; 67(6):499-504.
  • Mishra VV. Gaddagi RA. Aggarwal R. Choudhary S. Sharma U. Patel U. Prevalence; Characteristics and Management of Endometriosis Amongst Infertil Women: A One Year Retrospective Study. J Clin Diagan Res. 2015 jun; 9(6): QC01-QC03
  • Missmer SA. Bove GM. A pilot study of the prevalence of leg pain among women with endometriosis. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2001 Jul; 15(3):304-8.
  • Montenegro ML. Mateus-Vasconcelos EC. Candido dos Reis FJ. Rosa e Silvia JC. Nogueira AA. Poli Neto OB. Thiele massage as a therapeutic option for women with chronic pelvic pain caused by tenderness of pelvic floor muscles. J Eval Clin Pract 2010 Oct; 16(5):981-2.
  • Moore A. Collins S. Carroll D. McQuay H. Paracetamol with and without co-deine in acute pain: a quantitative systematic review. Pain. 1997. Apr; 70(2-3):193-201.
  • Nikjou R. Kazemzadeh R. Rostamnegad M. Moshfegi S. Karimollahi M. Salehi H. The effect of lavander aromatherapy on the pain severity of primary dysmen-orrhea: a triple-blind randomized clinical trial. Ann Med Health Sci Res 2016 Jul-Aug; 6(4):211-215.
  • Nnoaham KE. Hummelshoj L. Webster P. D'Hooghe T. de Cicco Nardone F. de Cicco Nardone C. Jenkinson C. Kennedy SH. Zondervan KT. World Endo-metriosis Research Foundation Global Study of Women's consortium. Impact of endometriosis on quality of life and work productivity: a multicenter study across ten countries. Fertil Steril. 2011 Aug; 96(2):366-373
  • Okabayashi K. Ashrafian H. Zacharakis E. Hasegawa H. Kitagawa Y. Athana-siou T. Darzi A. Adhesions after abdominal surgery: a systematic review of the incidence, distribution and severity. Surg Today. 2014 Mar; 44(3): 405-20.
  • O'Keefe JH Jr. Cordain L. Cardiovascular disease resulting from a diet and life style at odds with our Paleolithic genome: how to become a 21st century hunter-gatherer. MayoClin Proc. 2004 Jan; 79(1): 101-8
  • Oliveira MAP. Raymundo TS. Soares LC. Pareira TRD. Demoro AVE. How to Use CA-125 More Effectively in the Diagnosis of Deep Endometriosis. Biomed Res Int. 2017 Jun: 9857196
  • Parasar P. Ozcan P. L.Terry K. Endometriosis: Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Clinical Management. Curr Obstet Gynecol Rep. 2017 Mar; 6(1):34-41.
  • Parazzini F. Chiaffarino F. Surace M. Chatenoud L. Cipriani S. Chiantera V.Benzi G. Fedele L. Selected food intake and risk of endometriosis. Hum Repropod. 2004 Aug; 19(8):1755-9
  • Parazzini F. Di Martino M. Pellegrino P. Magnesium, in the gynecological prac-tice: a literature review. Magnes Res. 2017 Feb 1; 30(1): 1-7.
  • Parazzini F. Viganò P. Candiani M. Fedele L. Diet and endometriosis risk: a li-terature review. Reprod Biomed Online. 2013 Apr; 26(4):323-36.
  • Park H. Han D. The effect of the correlation between the contraction of the pel-vic floor muscles and diaphragmatic motio during breathing. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015 Jul; 27(7):2113-2115.
  • Park SB, Kim JK, Cho KS. Sonography of endometriosis in infrequent sites. J Clin Ultrasoun. 2008 feb; 36(2)-91-7.
  • Parker MC.Wilson MS. Menzies D. Sunderland G. Thompson JN. Clark DN. Knight AD. Crowe AM.SCAR Group. Surgical. Colorectal surgery: the risk and burden of adhesion-related complications. Colorectal Dis. 2004 Nov;6(6): 506-11.
  • Passar P. Ozcan P. Terry KL. Endometriosis: Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Clinical Management. Curr Obstet Gynecol Rep. 2017 Mar; 10.1007/s13669-017-0187
  • Pastore EA. Katzman WB. Recognizing myofascial pelvic pain in the female pa-tient with chronic pelvic pain. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2012 Sep; 41(5): 680-691.
  • Pavone ME, Reierstad S. Sun H. Milad M. Bulum SE. Cheng YH. Altered ret-inoid uptake and action contributes to cell survival in endometriosis. Clin Endo-crinol Metab. 2010 Nov; 95(11)E300-9.
  • Pescetto G. De Cecco L. Pecorari D. Ragni N. Ginecologia & Ostetricia vol.1. SEU.2017
  • Peter S. Gartener MA. Michel G. Ibrahim M. Klopfleisch R. Lubke-Becker A. Jung M. Einspanier R. Gabler C. Influence of intrauterine administration of Lac-tobacillus buchneri on reproductive performance and pro-inflammatory endo-metrial mRNA expression of cows with subclinical endometritis. Sci Rep. 2018 Apr; 8(1):5473
  • Polak G. Wertel I. Tarkowski R. Morawska D. Kotarski J. Decreased lactofer-rin levels in peritoneal fluid of women with minimal endometriosis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2007Mar; 131(1): 93-6.
  • Pontello VV. Endometriosi, come curarsi con la medicina integrativa. 2018 Gen
  • Porpora MG. Resta S. Fugetta E. Brunelli R. Perrone G. D'itri F. Pastorelli P. Manganaro L. De Filip E. Esposizione a inquinanti organo clorurati ed endome-triosi: minireview. Giorn. It. Ost. Gin. Vol.XXXIV- n. 5 sett-ott 2012.
  • Rabia A. Mohammad ZBA. Aidiahmad D. Amirin S. Muhammad IU. Phyto-chemistry and medicinal properties of Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl. Ex-tracts. Pharmacogn Rev. 2013 Jan-Jun; 7(13):73-80.
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  • Rice A. King R. D'Avy Reed E. Patterson K. Wurn BF. Wurn LJ. Manual Physical Therapy for Non-Surgical Treatment of Adhesion-Related Small Bowel Obstructions: Two Case Reports. J Clin Med. 2013 Mar; “(1): 1-12.
  • Sadeghi N. Paknezhad F. Rashidi Nooshabadi M. Kavianpout M. Jafari Rad S. Khadem Haghighian H. Vitamin E and dish oil, separately or in combination, on treatment of primary dysmenorrhea: a double-blind, randomized clinical tri-al. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2018 Mar 15: 1-5.
  • Saleh SS. Fram K. Histopathology diagnosis in women who underwent a hys-terectomy for a benign condition. Arch Gynecol Obste. 2012 May; 285(5):1339-43
  • Sepulcri Rde P. Do Amaral VF. Depressive symptoms, anxiety, and quality of life in women with pelvic endometriosis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2009 Jan; 142(1):53-6.
  • Shoba G. Joy D. Joseph T. Majeed M. Rajendran R. Srnivas Ps. Influence of piperine on the pharmacokinetics of curcumin in animals and human volunteers. Planta Med. 1998; 64: 353-356
  • Siddiqui MZ. Boswellia Serrata, A Potential Antinflammatory Agent: An Over-view Indian J Pharma Sci. 2011 May-Jun; 73(3): 225-261.
  • Somigliana E. Viganò P. Parazzini F. Stoppelli S. Gianbattista E. Vercellini P. Association between endometriosis and cancer: a comprehensive review and a critical analysis of clinical and epidemiological evidence. Gynecol Oncol. 2006 May; 101(2):331-41
  • Speer LM. Mushkbar S. Erbele T.Choronic Pelvic Pain in Women. 2016 Mar 1;93(5):380-7
  • Tandrasasmita OM. Sutanto AM. Arifin PF. Tjandrawinata RR. Anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic,and apoptosis-inducing activity of DLBS1142, a bioactive fraction of Phaleria macrocarpa, in a RL95-2 cell line as a molecular model of endometriosis. Int J Women Health. 2015;7: 161-169.
  • Taniguchi F. Enatsu A. Ota I. Toda T. Arata K. Harada T. Effect of low dose oral contraceptive pill containing drospirenone/ethinylestradiol in patient with endometrioma. J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2015 Aug; 191: 116-20.
  • Trabert B. Peters U. De Roos AJ. Scholes D. Holt VL. Diet and risk of endo-metriosis in a population-based case-control study. Br J Nutr. 2011 Feb; 105(3): 459-67.
  • Uchida M. Kobayashi O. Effects of lactobacillus gasseri OLL2809 on the in-duced endometriosis in rats. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2013 Sep ;77(9):1879.81
  • Vercellini P. Barbara G. Somigliana E. Bianchi S. Abbiati A. Fedele L. Com-parison of contraceptive ring and patch for the treatment of symptomatic endo-metriosis. Fertil Steril. 2010 May; 2150-61.
  • Vercellini P. Somigliana E. Viganò P. De Mattei S. Barbara G. Fedele L. Post- operative endometriosis recurrence: a plea for prevention based on pathogenet-ic, epidemiological and clinical evidence. Reprod Biomed Online. 2010 Aug; 21(2):259-65
  • Vieira AT. Teixeira MM. Martins FS. The Role of Probiotics and Prebiotics in Inducing Gut Immunity. Front Immunol. 2013.4:445.
  • Wurn LJ. Wurn BF. Roscow AS. Increasing Orgasm and Decreasing Dyspareunia by a manual Physical Therapy Technique. MedGenMed. 2004; 6(4): 47
  • Yamamoto A. Harris HR. Vitonis AF. Chavarro JE. Missmer SA. A prospective cohort study of meat and fish consumption and endometriosis risk. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Aug; 219(2) 178.el-178e10
  • Yosie A. Effendy MAW. Sifzizul TM. Habsah M. Antibacterial. Radical scav-enging activities and cytotoxicity properties of Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl leavs in HepG2 cell lines. Int J Pharm. Sci Res. 2011; 2:1700-6.
  • Zhao L. Wu H. Zhou X. Effects of progressive muscular relaxation training on anxiety, depression and quality of life of endometriosis patients under gonado-trophin-releasing hormone agonist therapy. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2012. 162: 211-215.
  • Zito G. Luppi S. Giolo E. Martinelli M. Venturin I. Di Lorenzo G. Ricci G. Medical Treatments for Endometriosis-Associated Pelvic Pain. Biomed Res Int. 2014:191967
