Istituto Rudy Lanza - Alta formazione in Naturopatia

Istituto Rudy Lanza - Catalogo bibliografico delle tesi

Gli abstracts delle tesi in Naturopatia elaborate presso l'Istituto Rudy Lanza

Studio su alcuni rimedi vegetali e fitoterapici

Bevilacqua Luciana


Mossa da interesse e vera passione per il mondo del naturale, ho raccolto in questo lavoro informazioni e documentazioni su un certo numero di rimedi, sulle loro caratteristiche, attività principali e loro impiego terapeutico.

Certo la conoscenza e l’uso delle erbe medicinali si perde nella notte dei tempi, quando l’uomo e la donna si affidavano totalmente alla natura e avevano imparato a distinguere le erbe benefiche da quelle malefiche. Scelta spontanea degli animali, i quali sanno d’istinto quali sono le erbe loro utili.

Purtroppo però, con l’avanzare della medicina scientifica e dell’estendersi dell’urbanizzazione delle città, molte conoscenze si vanno perdendo insieme alla possibilità di reperire materialmente le erbe più rare o più delicate. È nelle campagne, infatti, che ritroviamo ancora l’abitudine e la consuetudine all’uso di infusi di erbe e fiori. Si scopre così con stupore che sono innumerevoli le ricerche che continuamente si compiono su piante o rimedi che sono a conoscenza dell’uomo da migliaia di anni, e, con meraviglia, che pur essendo vegetali antichi, sono in grado di andare incontro e sostenere le necessità di salute dell’uomo di oggi. Io, personalmente, mi sono avvicinata a questi studi nel periodo della mia gravidanza proprio per prepararmi a crescere ed allevare, e nella necessità curare il più possibile, con la medicina naturale mia figlia.

Le specialità di seguito elencate in questo studio sono riferibili a svariate patologie con differenti modalità di approccio terapeutico.

La prima parte è dedicata a quei rimedi che fanno da barriera ai processi ossidativi, quella lenta e terribile asfissia che toglie gravemente vitalità al nostro organismo. Leggiamo che un terzo dei malesseri lamentati dall’uomo è per situazioni legate alle conseguenze dello stress.

Sappiamo che il nostro corpo possiede e usa processi e meccanismi delicati e potenti per reagire alle minacce esterne, ma che mantenersi in questo stato di allerta costa un gran quantità di energia. Se poi lo stimolo dello stress è prolungato nel tempo, o cronico, viene compromessa la possibilità da parte dell’organismo di mantenersi in omeostasi. Ecco che la fitoterapia con gli immunostimolanti ci suggerisce le soluzioni che forniscono al nostro organismo aiuti per fare fronte alle necessità quotidiane.

Ho trovato poi due piante che lavorano come ipoglicemizzanti -da sole o in sinergia- e mi hanno incuriosito. Certo perchè il diabete è una patologia in forte aumento anche in età giovanile, ma nel caso del diabete insulino-indipendente, ho notato (per esperienza famigliare) che è molto difficile imporre a un soggetto una cura partendo solo da una dieta rigida; è forse un aiuto naturale quello che viene meglio tollerato.

L’ultimo gruppo è un rimedio per le conseguenze dei frutti di questo meraviglioso benessere di cui quasi tutti godiamo.

Colesterolo, trigliceridi e ipertensione: credo che sia fantastico avere argomenti validi contro questi malanni che relamente fanno paura a tante persone.

Lo studio che segue nasce dunque dalla mia curiosità e dalle informazioni di esperienze e studi approfonditi di Laboratori di Ricerca e Case Farmaceutiche di cui mi sono avvalsa.



Rhodendron caucasicum
  1. Z. Ramazanov, M. del Mar Bernard Suarez (1999) -Effective natural stress and weight management using Rhodiola rosea and Rhododendron caucasicum,ATNS/Safe Goods Publishing, p. 1-76,.
  2. Rossiyski MD (1954).Rhododendron-a new remedy for regulation of blood circulation deficiency, Pharmacology and Toxicology, 17, p. 3-12.
  3. Koshihara, Y, Neichi, T., Murota, S.I., Lao A.N., Fujimoto, Y., Tatsuno, T. (1984).Caffeic acid is a selective inhibitor for leucotriene biosynthesis . Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 792, p. 92-96.
  4. Shalashvili A (1967 a.) Method of total flavonoids extraction from Rhododendron caucasicum. Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Science (48) pp 603.
  5. Shalashvili A(1967b) -Flavonoids of Rhododendron caucasicum. Proceedings of Georgian Academy of Science (46) pp 115.
  6. Shalashvili A(1873). Identification of flavonoids in Rhododendron caucasicum. Plant Biochemistry, Vol 1, p. 214.
  7. Durmishidze S.B.,Shalashvili AG, Mshavanadze BB, Tziklauri GC(1981) .Flavonoids and phenilpropanoids in Georgian wild growing plants. Tbilisi, Georgia, p 194.
  8. Brand Williams W, Cuvelier ME, Berset C. (1995) Use of a free radical methodology to evaluate antioxidant activity. Lebesm-wiss and Technol . 28, pp 25-30.
  9. Butler LG (1992).Antinutritional effect of condensed and hidrolizable tannins. Basic Life Sci; 59: 693-698.
  10. Carmona A. Tannins:thermostable pigments which complez dietary proteins and inhibit digestive enzymes. Arch Latinoam Nutr 1996 Dec; 44(4Sppl 1) : 3 1 S-35S.
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  12. Gvishiani GC, Litanishvili VB (1955). Rhodogern extract of Rodhodendron in treatements of high blood pressure. Internetional Congress of pathology of cardiovascular systems. Pavlov Institute of Physiology , Leningrad USSR.
  13. Harborne JB, Williams CA (1971).Leaf survey of flavonoids and simple phenols in the genus Rhododendron. Phytochemisrty, 10, 2733.
  14. Horigome T. Kumar R. Okamoto K. (1988).Effects of condensed tannins prepared from leaves of fodder plants on digestive enzymes in vitro and in the intestine of rats. Br J Nutr 60(2):275-285.
  15. Loose R. (1970). Flavonoid-glycosides in the petal of some Rhododendron species and hybrids. Phytochemistry, 9, p. 875.
  16. Zhu M, Phillipson JD , GreengrassPM, BoweryNE, Cai Y. Plant polyphenols: biologically active compounds or non selective binders to protein ? Phytochemistry 1997; 44(3): 441-447.
  17. Samartzev A.D. , Aushev I V, Israelov FR (1965).Effect of Rhododendron caucasicum extract on gout and sodium release in urine. Russian Clinical research, Dagestan State Hospital annual report, Dagestan Scientific Publisher, p112.
  18. Humphreys and Stodulski (1985). Detection of Andromedotoxins for the diagnosis of Rhododendron Poisoning in animals. Pathology Departement, The Royal Veterinary College, Royal College, London NW
Rhodiola rosea
  1. Germano C, Ramanazov Z. Artic Root (Rhodiola rosea): the powerful new ginseng alternative. Kensington Publishing Corp. NY 1999.
  2. Z. Ramanazov, M. del Mar Bernard Suarez (1999) - Effective natural stress and weight management using Rhodiola rosea and Rhododendron caucasicum, ATNS/Safe Goods Publishing East Canaan, Connecticut.
  3. Furmanova M, Kedzia B, et al. Phytochemical and Pharmacological properties of Rhodiola rosea L. Herba Polonica. Tom XLV 1999 Nr 2.
  4. Petkov V.D., et al. Effects of Alcohl Acqueous Extract from Rhodiola rosea L. Roots on Learning and Memory. Acta Physiologica et pharmacologica bulgarica, Vol 12, No 1, p.315. Sofia 1986.
  5. Kurkin VA, Zapesochnaya GG (1986) The chemical composition and pharmacological properties of plants of the genus Rhodiola J Med Plants (Moskow) Vol 20 pag 1231-1244
  6. Saratikov, A S (1973). The Gold Root (Rhodiola rosea). Publ. By the Tomsk University. Tomsk, p124.
  7. Thieme H (1969) Ober lie Identitad der Glykoside Rhodiolosid und Salidrosid. Pharmazie, 24, 118-119.
  8. Wagner, H, Norr H, Winterhoff H. Plant Adaptogens. Phytomedicine, 1, 63-76, 1994.
  9. Breckham II, Dardymov IV. New substances of plant origin which increase non specific resistance. Ann Rev Phar-macol., 419-430, 1969.
  10. Spasov AA, Wikman GK, et al. A double blind, placebo controlled pilot study of the stimulating and adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola roses SHR-5 extract on the fatigue of students caused by stress during an examination period with a repeated low-dose regimen. Phytomedicine, Vol 7(2) 2000, pp. 85-89.
  11. Krasik ED, Morosov EC, PetrovaKP. 1970 A new results on therapy of depression and depressive conditions. Perspectives of clinical application of Rhodiola rosea extract. In “Current Problems of psycho-pharmacology. Kemerovo, USSR. pp. 298-300.
  12. Krasik ED, Petrova KP., Rogulina GA, 1970. To adaptive and stimulative effect of Rhodiola rosea extract. In “Proceedings of USSR Congress in neuro-pathology, neuro surgery, and psychiatry. Sverdlovsk, May 26-29, 1970, pp. 215-217. Saratikov AC.,Marina TF., Kaliko IM 1965. Stimulative effect of Rhodiola rosea extract on brain function. Proceedings of USSR Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch. Medico-Biological Department. Vol. 8, 2: 120-125.
  13. Krasik ED, Petrova KP., Rogulina GA, 1970. To adaptive and stimulative effect of Rhodiola rosea extract. In “Proceedings of USSR Congress in neuro-pathology, neuro surgery, and psychiatry. Sverdlovsk, May 26-29, 1970, pp. 215-217.
  14. Saratikov and Krasnov, 1986. Rhodiola rosea- valuable medicinal plant: Golden root, Tomsk, Institute of Pharmacology, Tomsk Medicinal center, Academy of Sciences. pp 217-227 Chapter VIII “Clinical research of Rhodiola rosea”.
  15. Saratikov and Krasnov, 1986. Rhodiola rosea- valuable medicinal plant: Golden root, Tomsk, Institute of Pharmacology, Tomsk Medicinal center, Academy of Sciences. pp 69-89, Chapter III “Stimulative characteristics ofRhodiola rosea”.
  16. Abodoff MT 1997. Stimulative effect of Rhodiola rosea extract on fatty acid release in healthy volunteers. Clinical study for Russian Ministry of Health. Special report (available upon request on confidential basis).
  17. Dr. Professor Irakly Chkkhikvishvili 1998. Rhodiola rosea and weight reduction, ITA Ltd clinical studies, Presented to Georgian Health Ministry, available upon request.
  18. Saratikov AS and Tuzov SF, 1963. Effect of rhaponticum carthamoides on physical performance and other physiological parameters of athletes. Proceedings of USSR Academy of Sciences, Biology and Medicine, Vol. 12, N-3, pp.126-132;
  19. Saratikov and Krasnov, 1987. Rhodiola rosea- valuable medicinal plant: Golden root, Tomsk, Institute of Pharmacology, Tomsk Medicinal center, Academy of Sciences. pp 1-14, Chapter VI “The influence of Rhodiola rosea on the endocrine glands and the liver ”.
  20. Zotov MI, Krilov GB, Saratikov AS, 1965. Toxicity of Rhodiola rosea, Proceedings of Siberian Academi of Sciences, Vol, 2 N 8 pp 111-119.
  21. Akeseneva PA et al. 1968. Published in Stimulators of Central Nervous System, Tomsk, Vol. 1, pp 77-79, Russia.
  22. Poli A, Valla C, 2000. Estratti secchi una questione di qualità ed attività: il caso della Rhodiola rosea. Integratore Nutriz. In pubblicazione sul numero di gennaio 2001.
  23. Barnaulov OD, Limarenko AU, Kurkin VA (1965). Neurotropic and adaptogenic effect of Rhodiola rosea. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Journal, Moscow, N. 9, pp. 1107-1112.
  24. Marina TF, Krasnov EA, Saratikov AS (1983). Problems of medicinal plants resources of Siberia and Russian Far East. Novosibirsk, Russia, pp 129-131.
  25. Sokolov S, Ivashin VM, Zapesochniaya GG (1985). Comparative analysis of pharmacological activity of salidroside and rosavin. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Journal, Moscow, Vol 19, N. 11, pp 1367-1371.
  26. Wang S, Wang FP. (1992). Studies on the chemical components of Rhodiola crenulata. Yao Hsueh Pao 27(2):117-20.
  27. Peng JN, Ma CY, Ge YC (1994). Chemical constituents of Rhodiola kirilowii (Regel) Regel. Chung Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chih Nov 19(11):676-7, 702
  28. Yoshikawa M, Shimada H, Shimoda H, Murakami N, Yamahara J, Matsuda H (1996). Bioactive constituents of Chinese natural medicines. II. Rhodiola radix (1). Chemical structures and antiallergic activity of rhodiocyanosides A and B from the underground part of Rhodiola quadrifolia (Pall) Fisch. Et Mey. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) Nov; 44(11):2086-91.
  29. Kurkin VA, Zapesochnaya GG, Shavlinski AN (1985) Method of identification of Rhodiola rosea root Chem Pharmaceut J (Moskow) 3 185-190
  30. Komar VV, Karpliuk ZV, Kit SM, et al. (1980). Macro and micronutrient composition of root extracts of Rhodiola rosea. Farm Zh. Jun (3):58-60.
  31. Yoshikawa M, Shimada H, Shimoda H, Matsuda H, Yamahara J, Murakami N. (1995). Rhodiocyanosides A and B, new antiallergic cyanoglycosides from Chinese natural medicine “si lie hong jing tian”, the underground part of Rhodiola quadrifida (Pall) Fisch et Mey. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo), Jul; 43(7):1245-7
  32. Kurkin VA, Zapesochnaya GG, Shavlinski AN (1984) Flavonoids of aerial parts of Rhodiola rosea Chem Nat Prod5632-636
  33. Azizov AP, Seifulla RD (1998) The effect of elton, leveton, fitoton and adapton on the work capacity of experimental animals Exp Clin Pharmacol61(3)61-63
  1. Maish WA, Hampton EM, Whitsett TL, Shepard JD, Lovallo WR (1996). Influence of grapefruit juice on caffeine pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacotherapy 16(6):1046-52.
  2. Fuhr U, Klittich K, Staib AH (1993). Inhibitory effect of grapefruit juice and its bitter principal, naringenin, on CYP1A2 dependent metabolism of caffeine in man. Br J Clin Pharmacol 35(4):431-6.
  3. Fuhr U, Maier A, Keller A, Steinijans VW, Sauter R, Staib AH (1995). Lacking effect of grapefruit juice on theophylline pharmacokinetics. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 33(6):311-4.
  4. Medicamenta. Ed VI. Scuole grafiche Pavoniane Artigianelli. Milano, Ed su Cd-rom.
  5. Ross SA, Ziska DS, Zhao K, ElSohly MA (2000). Variance of common flavonoids by brand of grapefruitjuice. Fitoterapia 71(2):154-61.
  6. Manthey JA, Grohmann K (2001). Phenols in citrus peel byproducts: concentrations of hydroxycinnamates and polymethoxylated flavones in citrus peel molasses. J Agric Food Chem. 49(7):3268-73.
  7. Ho PC, Saville DJ, Coville PF, Wanwimolruk S (2000). Content of CYP3A4 inhibitors, naringin, naringenin and bergapten in grapefruit and grapefruit juice products. Pharm Acta Helv 74(4):379-85.
  8. Pedretti M. Chimica e farmacologia delle piante medicinali. Studio Edizioni. Milano, 1997. p. 47-48.
  9. Martin MJ, Marhuenda E, Perez Guerrero C, Franco JM (1994). Antiulcer effect of naringin on gastric lesions induced by ethanol in rats. Pharmacology 49(3):144-50.
  10. Borrelli F, Izzo AA (2000). The plant kingdom as a source of anti-ulcer remedies. Phytother Res 14(8):581-91.
  11. Lee CH, Jeong TS, Choi YK, Hyun BH, Oh GT, Kim JR, Han JI, Book SH (2001). Anti-atherogenic effect of citrus flavonoids, naringin and naringenin, associated with hepatic acat and aortic vcam-1 and mcp-1 in high cholesterol-fed rabbits. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 284(3):681-8.
  12. Gordon PB, Holen I, Seglen PO (1995). Protection by naringin and some other flavonoids of hepatocytic autophagy and endocytosis against inhibition by okadaic acid. J Biol Chem 270(11):5830-8.
  13. Blankson H, Grotterod EM, Seglen PO (2000). Prevention of toxin induced cytoskeletal disruption and apoptotic liver cell death by grapefruit flavonoid, naringin. Cell Death Differ 7(8):739-46.
  14. Bear WL, Teel RW (2000). Effect of citrus flavonoids on the mutagenicity of heterocyclic amines and on cytochrome P450 1A2 activity. Anticancer Res. 20(5B):3609-14.
  15. Bear WL, Teel RW (2000). Effects of citrus phytochemicals on liver and lung cytochrome P450 activity and on the in vitro metabolism of the tobacco-specific nitrosamine NNK. Anticancer Res 20(5A)3323-9.
  16. Ueng YF, Chang YL, Oda Y, Park SS, Liao JF, Lin MF, Chen CF (1999). In vitro and in vivo effects of naringin on cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase in mouse liver. Life Sci 65(24):2591-602.
  17. Fukada K, Ohta T, Yamazoe Y (1997). Grapefruit component interacting with rat and human P450 CYP3A: possible involvement of non flavonoid components in drug interaction. Biol Pharm Bull. 20(5):560-4.
  18. Fuhr U, Kummert AL (1995). The fate of naringin in humans: a key to grapefruit juice-drug interactions? Clin Pharmacol Ther. 58(4):365-73.
  19. Kim DH, Jung EA, Sohng IS, Han JA, Kim TH, Han MJ (1998). Intestinal bacterial metabolism of flavonoids and its relation to some biological activities. Arch Pharm Res 21(1):17-23.
  20. Ishii K, Furuta T, Kasuya Y (1997). Determination of naringin and naringenin in human urine by high-performance liquid chromatography utilizing solid-phase extraction. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl. 704(1-2):299-305.
  21. Lee YS, Reidenberg MM (1998). A method for measuring naringenin in biological fluids and its disposition from grapefruit juice by man. Pharmacology 56(6):314-7.
  22. Kuo SM, Levitt PS, Lin CP(1998). Dietary flavonoids interact with trace metals and affect metallothionein level in human intestinal cells. Biol Trace Elem Res. 62(3):135-53.
  23. Bourian M, Runkel M, Krisp A, Tegtmeier M, Freudenstein J, Legrum W (1999). Naringenin and interindividual variability in interaction of coumarin with grapefruit juice. Exp Toxicol Pathol 51(4-5):289-93.
  24. Evans AM (2000). Influence of dietary components on the gastrointestinal metabolism and transport of drugs. The Drug Monit. 2281):131-6.
  25. Bailey DG, Arnold JM, Munoz C, Spence JD (1993). Grapefruit juice-felodipine interaction: mechanism, predictability, and effect of naringin. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 53(6):637-42.
  26. Bailey DG, Arnold JM, Strong HA, Munoz C, Spence JD (1993). Effect of grapefruit juice and naringin on nisoldipine pharmacokinetics. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 54(6):589-94.
  27. Runkel M, Tegtmeier (1996). Metabolic and analytical interactions of grapefruit juice and 1,2-benzopyrone (coumarin) in men. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 50(3):225-30.
  28. Draper AJ, Madan A, Parkinson A (1997). Inhibition of coumarin 7-hydrolase activity in human liver microsomes. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1; 341(1):47-61.
  29. Ameer B, Weintraub RA (1997). Drug interactions with grapefruit juice. Clin Pharmacokinet. 33(2):103-21.
  30. Fuhr U, Maier-Bruggemann A, Blume H, Muck W, Unger S, et al (1998). Grapefruit juice increases oral nimodipine bioavailability. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 36(3):126-32.
  31. Bailey DG, Malcolm J, Arnold O, Spence JD (1998). Grapefruit juice-drug interactions. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 46(2):101-10.
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  33. Curhan GC, Willett WC, Speizer FE, et al. (1998). Beverage use and risk for kidney stones in women. Ann Intern Med. 128:534-540.
  34. Bratman S (2001). The Natural Pharmacist: Natural Health Bible, Revised and Expanded 2nd edition Edited by Stepven Bratman, M.D. & David Kroll, PhD 2001. CD-rom.
  35. Werbach, M. (1993). Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp
  36. Duke J A. Phytochemical Database. USDA-ARSA-NGRL, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland (USA). 2001 Edition. Available on request.
  37. Andrich Vince (2001). Sport Supplement review, 4th Issue, Mile High Publishing P.O. box 277 Golden, Co Usa 80402, pag 120.
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  31. Aviram M, Hardak E, Vaya J, Mahmood S, Milo S, Hoffman A, Billicke S, Draganov D, Rosenblat M (2000) Human serum paraoxonases (PON1) Q and R selectively decrease lipid peroxides in human coronary and carotid atherosclerotic lesions: PON1 esterase and peroxidase-like activities. Circulation. 101(21): 2510-7
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